Tuesday 17 July 2012

I'll get this right some time...

Hi everyone,
So I've been battling illness (nothing serious), being without internet, computer AND a camera.  It's been very tricky to keep this updated.
Buuuuuuuuut!  I just got my very own laptop YIPEEEEE! And by just, I meant about 2 hours ago. So as soon as I can, I might start doing some video reviews (I'll see how I go, I don't feel very confident in video form) 
Expect something soon
Take Care xoxo

Friday 6 July 2012

Quick update

Hi everyone!
Sorry I've been absent for sooooo long. It's hard to blog without a computer and wifi :-(
Hopefully this will be rectified within the week and I have a lot of exciting stuff to review and tell you about!

Take care and have a great weekend xo