Monday 7 May 2012

Testing things on myself!

Ok, so quite recently I've been moulting.  If you don't know what it is it's shedding hair.  This doesn't sound too bad (it's something we do everyday to a small extent).  But I have been losing a ridiculous amount.

The hairdresser said I shouldn't be worried as it happens, and we do go through stages where we lose more hair than others.  Also, I'm not looking like I'm balding or even thinning.  But, I do feel worried that it might happen.  And it can be quite embarrassing to be leaving pink hairs about the place...  I can't pretend they're anyone elses!

I'm also wanting to keep it long for my upcoming wedding.

I know I can put things on my hair to try to help it, but that can only do so much.  Really healthy hair comes from the inside (same with skin and nails)

I eat a relatively healthy diet.  I eat a lot of vegetables and little junk, with a little treat now and then. I am human after all!

I've been reading what to do to start and maintain healthy hair and one of the things I found were supplements.  I thought I'd give it a go.  Just go down to the local chemist and pick something up, simple really.  I have found that there are a lot of Biotin supplements there, so I decided to go for ones that treat hair, skin and nails, something that all need improving. 

I've been taking a once a day tablet for 4 days now and I've started to notice a slight change in my skin.  It's been nothing major so far, but it has only been 4 days!

I'm starting a log of how it goes.

Here's a close up...  It doesn't look too bad (thanks to the camera) but it does look a little rough

Here's my bad side.  As we can see it's spotty

And here is my hair.  It's still thick, but I want it to get longer too, and don't worry I'm not drunk or stoned here...  I'm just looking down.  And it's how I look quite often haha

So here we go!  Week 1.  I'll start reporting any new developments, or if there's is anything noteworthy :-)

Anyway, that's all for me now.  Let me know if you have any tips or tricks!

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